Fortis Object Mapping Performance - Part II

Last week I wrote a blog on Fortis Object Mapping Performance, I have a few updates!

Kam pointed out a flaw in my original code. I populated an array of Fortis objects, but I did not read out a field as Kam had done in his code. So the comparison was not fair. I have now updated my Gist to read out the Display name. As expected, this does add a hit to performance, but Fortis still performs very well and in the real world you would not really notice the hit by using Fortis.

The new performance figures after running the code 100 times are:

  • Native: 5-12ms
  • Fortis: 16-32ms
  • Sample Size: 4716

So we are really happy with the object mapping performance on Fortis.

Also there was a follow up on the Glass Performance by Nat - Life Through a Lens – ORM Mythology & Glass Mapper Relative Performance. He makes some very good points, and also fixed the test code where it now has much better performance.

Are these tests Usefull?

My favourite quote from Nats blog:

In truth – I would shoot a developer that attempted to manipulate 20,000 records worth of data through an ORM – just plain silly ;)

I completely agree on this. In the real world we would rarely be working with that number of items (Maybe in bulk data imports/exports etc…). But when dealing with websites that have page views in the millions per day rather than hunderds/thousands, milliseconds do make a big difference. So I do find it interesting on the performance figures.

True, in those cases for large volume websites - Caching plays a much bigger part in performance. Hopefully this week I will get to finish off my blog post on output caching and get the shared source module up on the Market Place